It’s difficult to watch television without seeing a random alarm system commercial conveying complete safety from invaders.If only we had an automatic defense to ward against high blood pressure, perhaps we wouldn’t feel the need to worry as much.Hence, this makes the condition all the more serious for those of us who don’t get regular checkups.
Even so, there are several warning signs existing among those who suffer from high blood pressure.All of us when we’re born are destined to experience certain difficulties, including high blood pressure.Too often we may find ourselves looking for the Advil to treat a stress headache, but the headache itself could be linked to high blood pressure.Heredity would appear to portray the most crucial part in the development of symptoms of high blood pressure.When we are out of breath easily, we might assume that we are out of shape, but this is also one of the symptoms of high blood pressure.Some report that they suffer from migraines and experience double vision. Each of these symptoms can all be related to hypertension.All of these symptoms are vague in nature, and none of these are necessarily indicative of high blood pressure.
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is also widely reported as being as problem for many people.Sadly, these can also be tied to the symptoms of high blood pressure.Women who have succumbed to the symptoms of high blood pressure are on the rise as well.Women tend to notice warning signs of high blood pressure during pregnancy.
Both men and women have a good possibility of having high blood pressure as they age if it is left un-noticed for too long.Some symptoms include not being able to lay down without a hard time breathing, and shortness of breath during regular daily routines.The symptoms of high blood pressure not only affects the heart, but this affects the rest of our bodies - in a fatal way.For example arteries harden over time, kidneys and fail and blood pressure can sky rocket out of control.
In the end no matter our gender, we are all readily exposed to this disease.Some of us lack quality health insurance and eating an apple every day simply isn’t enough.After all it can be hard to self diagnose the problem, let alone learn how to fix it.
Silent and Deadly: Symptoms of High Blood Pressure